Home > 101st Airborne Division Iraqi Freedom Patch
101st Airborne Division Iraqi Freedom Patch

Product Description
The 101st Airborne Division deployed to Iraq in 2003 as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The division was in V Corps, providing support to the 3rd Infantry Division by clearing Iraqi strongpoints which that division had bypassed. The Division then went on to a tour of duty as part of the occupation forces of Iraq, using the city of Mosul as their primary base of operations, before being withdrawn in early 2004 for rest and refit. As part of the Army's modular transformation, the existing infantry brigades, artillery brigade, and aviation brigades were transformed, with the addition of re-activating a brand-new (or in this case old) 4th Brigade Combat Team known as "Currahee" has come back since World War II and it's subordinate units, to form a 6-7 major units division, one of the largest currently in the U.S. Army, in preparation to redeploy in fall 2005 to Iraq.
Our 101st Airborne Division Operation Iraqi Freedom Patch is a 4 inch, full color, 100% embroidered military patch. This patch would be a great gift idea and a wonderful addition to your patch collection.
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