Home > 10th Mountain Division Iraqi Freedom Patch
10th Mountain Division Iraqi Freedom Patch

Product Description
The 10th Mountain Division's 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment had several combat engagements in Northern Iraq during formal combat operations while providing convoy security operations. Soldiers of 2nd Battalion, 15th Field Artillery Regiment, members of the 20th Air Support Operations Squadron and the 10th Target Acquisition Detachment also served in Iraq during formal combat operations.
In March 2003, the 642nd Engineer Company and 725th Ordnance Company deployed to the U.S. Central Command region. Elements of 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, 2-15th FAR, 548th Corps Support Battalion and 110th Military Intelligence Battalion, as well as 57th Transportation Company, 514th Maintenance Company and 725th Explosive Ordnance Company also received orders to deploy to the CENTCOM region.
Already deployed were elements of 2-14 Infantry, 511th Military Police Company, 59th Chemical Company, Long Range Surveillance Detachment, 95th Firefighting Detachment and 520th Engineer Detachment. Soldiers of 4-31 Infantry also began deploying elements to Djibouti in April to continue fighting the global war on terrorism.
Our 10th Mountain Division Operation Iraqi Freedom Patch is a 4 inch, full color, 100% embroidered military patch. This patch would be a great gift idea and a wonderful addition to your patch collection.
If you need assistance ordering or would like to order by telephone please call us toll free at 1-800-864-5062 and one of our customer service representatives will assist you.
Vets Supply Line
10550 County Road 81
Suite 218
Maple Grove MN 55369
Tel: 1-800-864-5062
M-Th 10:00 am to 4:00 pm (CST)
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