Army Aircrew Badge Silver Oxide Finish

Product Description
The badge is the same design as that for Army Aviator with the coat of arms of the United States substituted for the shield of the coat of arms of the United States. The wings suggest flight and reflect the skills associated with aerial flight. The coat of arms of the United States on the shield signifies loyalty and devotion to duty.
Basic Aviation Badge – Permanent Award. (a) Individual must be on flying status as a crewmember in accordance with AR 600-106 or be granted a waiver by HQDA, be on flying status, have performed in-flight duties for not less than 48 flight hours (whichever comes first), or be school trained; (b) An officer on flying status as an aerial observer. U.S. Army personnel assigned to a Joint Service Airborne Command Post and serving as members of an operational team on flying status manning the Airborne Command Post. Concurrent with such assignment, personnel are authorized temporary wear of the Basic Aviation Badge until relieved from such duties or until he or she fulfills the mandatory requirements for permanent award; (c) Individual who has been incapacitated for further flight duty by reason of being wounded as a result of enemy action, or injured as the result of an aircraft accident for which he or she was not personally responsible, or has participated in at least 15 combat missions under probable exposure to enemy fire while performing in-flight duties; (d) Soldiers upon successful completion of formal advanced individual training (AIT) in career management field (CMF) 67 and 93 MOS', MOS 71P, and to soldiers who previously completed AIT in CMF 28 MOS', including soldiers who graduated from AIT for MOS' in the 68 series. Soldiers holding MOS's 35L, 35M, 35Q, and 35W who graduated from a (CMF) 67 AIT prior to 30 September 1996 and MOS's 93C and 93P who graduated from a (CMF) 67 AIT after 31 December 1985 are authorized based on documents prior AIT; (e) Individuals who meet criteria for award of the Army Astronaut Device and are not authorized an Aviator, Flight Surgeon or Aviation Badge will be awarded the Aviation Badge in addition to the Army Astronaut Device; (f) The Aviation badge may be permanently awarded to soldiers upon successful completion of formal AIT in (CMF) 93 MOS'. Soldiers previously holding MOS 93B who graduated from a (CMF) 93 AIT prior to 1 January 1998 and soldiers previously holding MOS 93D who graduated from a (CMF) 93 AIT prior to 30 September 1996, to include MOS 71P who graduated from a (CMF) 93 AIT prior to 30 June 1984, are authorized the badge based on documented AIT after 7 April 1983. Temporary Award. The commander of any Army unit that has Army aircraft assigned may authorize in published orders qualified personnel of his or her command to wear the Aviation Badge. The individual must be performing in-flight duties.
Our Regulation Full Size Army Aircrew Badge a silver oxide badge 3/4 inch in height and 2 1/2 inches in width, consisting of a shield with its field scored with horizontal lines and bearing the coat of arms of the United States on and over a pair of displayed wings. This is the same badge that is supplied to the U.S. Army and sold in Army Base Exchanges.
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