Asiatic - Pacific Theater Campaign Ribbon

Product Description
The Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal was established by Executive Order 9265 of 6 November 1942 and announced in War Dept Bulletin 56/1942.
The Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal was awarded to personnel for service within the Asiatic Pacific Theatre between 7 December 1941 and 2 March 1946, under any of the following conditions :
1. On perminent assignmant.
2. As a passenger or on temporary duty for 30 consecutive days (60 on-consecutive).
3. In active combat against the enemy and was awarded a combat decoration or furnished a certificate by the Commanding General of a Corps, higher unit, or independent force, that he actually participated in combat.
The Asiatic Pacific theatre included - Alaska, Hawaii, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, and all of Asia.
Ribbon Device Attachments:
1. Bronze Arrowhead
2. Bronze 3/16" Campaign Star
This Asiatic - Pacific Theater Campaign Ribbon is manufactured by the same government contractor that supplies the U.S. Army and Army Post Exchanges, it's quality is guaranteed.
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