Challenge Coins

The practice of a senior enlisted member presenting a coin or medallion to an individual actually goes back just about 100 years ago in the British Army. During the War of the Boars, the officers were the only ones authorized to receive medals. Whenever an enlisted person did a good job - typically the officer he was assigned to would receive the award. The Regimental SGM would sneak into the officer's tent, cut the medal from the ribbon. He would then call an all hands to formally "shake the hand" of the exceptional soldier, and would "palm the medal" in the soldier's hand without anyone knowing. Today, the coin is pretty much widely used throughout all of the military forces in the world, both as a form of recognition, and even in some cases as a "calling card."

U.S. Air Force Challenge Coin
U.S. Air Force Challenge Coin (New)
7th Air Force Challenge Coin - BACK ORDER
U.S. Navy Challenge Coin
U.S. Navy SEABEES Challenge Coin
U.S. Navy Seal Team Challenge Coin
Blue Water Navy Challenge Coin
Vietnam Brown Water Navy Challenge Coin
U.S. Coast Guard Challenge Coin
U.S. Marine Corps Challenge Coin
U.S. Marine Corps Bronze Challenge Coin
2nd Marine Division Challenge Coin
3rd Marine Division Challenge Coin
9th Marines Challenge Coin
U.S. Army Challenge Coin
U.S. Army Drill Sergeant Challenge Coin
CIB Challenge Coin
U.S. Army Special Forces Challenge Coin
1st Cavalry Division Challenge Coin
1st Infantry Division Challenge Coin
3rd Infantry Division Challenge Coin
4th Infantry Division Challenge Coin
9th Infantry Division Challenge Coin
11th  ACR Challenge Coin
23rd Infantry Division Challenge Coin
25th Infantry Division Challenge Coin
82nd Ariborne Division Challenge Coin
101st Airborne Division Challenge Coin
173rd Airborne Brigade Challenge Coin - OUT OF STOCK
1st Battalion 75th Rangers Challenge Coin
2nd Battalion 75th Rangers Challenge Coin
3rd Battalion 75th Rangers Challenge Coin
1st Logistics Command
1st Aviation Bricade Challenge Coin
MACV Challenge Coin - discontinued
"MACV-SOG" Challenge Coin
Vietnam Veteran Challenge Coin
POW/MIA Challenge Coin
Purple Heart Challenge Coin - OUT OF STOCK
U.S. Air Force Operation Iraqi Freedom Challenge Coin
U.S. Air Force Operation Iraqi Freedom Challenge Coin (New Logo)
U.S. Navy Operation Iraqi Freedom Challenge Coin
U.S. Marine Corps Operation Iraqi Freedom Challenge Coin
U.S. Air Force Spouse Challenge Coin
U.S. Marine Corps Spouse Challenge Coin

If you need assistance ordering or would like to order by telephone please call us toll free at 1-800-864-5062 and one of our customer service representatives will assist you.

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10550 County Road 81
Suite 218
Maple Grove MN 55369
Tel: 1-800-864-5062
M-Th 10:00 am to 4:00 pm (CST)
Closed all Federal Post Office Holidays

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