U.S.Navy/USMC Combat Aircrew Badge Full Size

Product Description
The Marine Corps also issues the Marine Combat Aircrew Badge. It is a decoration of the United States Marine Corps which is awarded to those enlisted personnel who are qualified to serve as crew members on board combat aerial flights. The decoration primarily applies to those who have received helicopter assault training as well as instructions in air-ground combat tactics.
For those who have participated in actual combat missions, gold service stars are worn pinned to the top of the decoration. A maximum of three such stars may be displayed.
The Marine Combat Aircrew Badge can be issued to service members of both the Marines and United States Navy (while serving in a Marine squadron). Recipients must first qualify for the Naval Aircrew Badge before they can be issued the Marine Combat Aircrew Badge. Which insignia is worn is up to the wearer's discretion, but it is unauthorized to wear both badges at the same time.
Our Regulation Full Size U.S.Navy-U.S.Marine Corps Combat Aircrew Badge is an oxidized silver and gold plated metal badge. 1/8 inch Gold Stars for badge Order MA-4. This is the same badge that is supplied to the U.S. Military and sold in the Military Base Exchanges.
If you need assistance ordering or would like to order by telephone please call us toll free at 1-800-864-5062 and one of our customer service representatives will assist you.
Vets Supply Line
10550 County Road 81
Suite 218
Maple Grove MN 55369
Tel: 1-800-864-5062
M-Th 10:00 am to 4:00 pm (CST)
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