Information Systems Technician (IT) Navy Rate Patch 1st-3rd Class

Product Description
This is the appropriate rating patch for US Navy personnel with the rating of Information Systems Technician IT1, IT2, or IT3. Navy rates are only sold as first class rates and can be cut to second or third class.
The Information Systems Technician (IT) rating was created in 1997 from a combination of two previous Navy ratings - Radioman (RM) and Data Processing Technician (DP). Information Systems Technicians design, install, operate, and maintain state-of-the-art information systems. This technology includes local and wide area networks, mainframe, mini and microcomputer systems and associated peripheral devices. They also write programs to handle the collection, manipulation and distribution of data for a wide variety of applications and requirements. They perform the functions of a computer system analyst, operate telecommunications systems including automated networks and the full spectrum of data links and circuits.
The U.S. Navy Enlisted Left Sleeve Rating Patch is Swiss-Loomed on midnight navy-blue wool serge material. By tradition the Petty Officer 1st Class patch must be hemmed to the proper rank for Petty Officer 2nd Class and Petty Officer 3rd Class.
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Maple Grove MN 55369
Tel: 1-800-864-5062
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