USMC Occupation Service Ribbon WW II

Product Description
The Marine Occupation Medal (Navy Occupation Medal) was authorized by the Navy Department General Order No. 10 of 28 January 1948.
Awarded to personnel in the Naval Service who participated in the occupation of the territories of the enemies of the United States during World War II and subsequent to the surrender of these enemies.
To establish eligibility, the individual shall have been attached to, present and serving on permanent duty with an organization in the Naval Service of the United States during those(b) periods when such organization has been credited by SECNAV or a delegated fleet command with having performed duty in the occupation of enemy or former enemy national territory.
Occupation duty in the European-African-Middle Eastern area may be credited to organizations for duty performed on and subsequent to 8 May 1945. Terminal dates for eligibility periods and occupation territories in this area are as follows:
Italy............................15 Dec 1947
Trieste..........................25 Oct 1954
Germany (except Berlin*).........05 May 1955
Austria..........................25 Oct 1955
Berlin...........................02 Oct 1990
Occupation duty in the Asiatic-Pacific area may be credited to organizations for duty performed between 2 September 1945 and 27 April 1952. Occupation territory in the Asiatic-Pacific area includes Japan and such territories recognized as sovereign to Japan, and such parts of Korea and such adjacent islands as are recognized to be Korean, but exclusive of all the mandated territory formerly administered by Japan, as are under the governmental control of the United States or of an ally of the United States during World War II. Eligibility also includes ships operating in such home or territorial waters or contiguous ocean areas in direct support of occupation or air- craft based upon and operating from such territories or ships.
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